Monthly Payment Plan

The monthly payment plan enables students or their authorized users to pay current fall, spring, and summer semester tuition and fees in four equal payments per semester.  Payments must be scheduled via ACH or credit card on the 10th of each month in August through November for the Fall semester, December through March for the Spring semester, and April through July for the Summer semester.  Enrollment is required for each semester in which you participate in the plan. Only one plan may be set up for the student per semester and the minimum payment plan principal is $500. The monthly payment plan option is interest-free as long as monthly payments are made on time and in full.  Failure to make payment for two consecutive months will result in the cancellation of the plan and the application of a $75 late fee.

Enrollment in a payment plan is restricted to students registered or planning to register for courses in the specified semester. 

Payment plan enrollment is via the Student Accounts eBill. You can view our tutorial on Enrolling in a Payment Plan.  Enrollment dates are based on the Eastern time zone.

Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters

Students are advised to sign up with estimated figures (2025-2026 Cost of Attendance Worksheet) if enrolling prior to receiving their initial invoice for the semester. Students who sign up after the first payment date will need to make up any missed payments upon enrollment. If you are enrolled in an ECSI plan and would also like to enroll for a current payment plan, please contact us at [email protected].

Fall 2025 Monthly Payment Plan

 Enrollment  Period Enrollment  Fee*Down Payment Scheduled  Payments
Jul 11 – Jul 31$45$0.00 Aug 10, Sep 10,  Oct 10, Nov 10
Aug 1 –  Aug 20$8025% of estimated charges
(if enrolling on or after Aug 10)

Aug 10, Sep 10, Oct 10, Nov 10

Aug 21Closed


Spring 2025 Monthly Payment Plan

 Enrollment  Period Enrollment  Fee*Down Payment Scheduled  Payments
Nov 11 – Dec 9$45$0.00 

Dec 10, Jan 10,  Feb 10, Mar 10 

Dec 10 – Jan 12$8025% of estimated charges (+ missed payment if enrolling on the 10th of January)

Dec 10, Jan 10, Feb 10,  Mar 10 

Jan 13Closed

Summer 2025 Monthly Payment Plan

 Enrollment  Period Enrollment  Fee*Down Payment Scheduled  Payments
Mar 11 – Apr 9$45$0.00 

Apr 10, May 10,  Jun 10, Jul 10 

Apr 10 - May 18$8025% of estimated charges (+ missed payment if enrolling on the 10th of May)

May 10,  Jun 10, Jul 10 

May 19Closed
Other Payment Plan Options

Late Enrollment Payment Plan: GW is now offering a late enrollment option that will be available for the first 2 weeks of the semester. This option has an enrollment fee of $150 and is interest-free as long as monthly payments are made on time and in full. A 33% down payment is required upon enrollment; the remaining 2 payments are due on the 10th of each month as noted. Failure to make any scheduled payment will result in the cancellation of the plan and the application of a $75 late fee. 

Late Enrollment Payment Plan

 Enrollment  Period Enrollment  Fee*Down Payment Scheduled  Payments
Fall: Aug 21 - Sept 4$15033% of estimated chargesOct 10, Nov 10
Spring: Jan 13 - Jan 26$15033% of estimated chargesFeb 10, Mar 10
Summer: May 19 - May 31$15033% of estimated chargesJune 10, July 10


Important Considerations

The monthly payment plan setup fee is non-refundable.

*Monthly payment plan payments must be scheduled via ACH or credit card at enrollment to automatically withdraw from the saved payment method on the 10th of each month. You will see an annual percentage rate (APR) based on the enrollment fee and the principal of your payment plan, but the monthly plan itself is interest-free if the sum of the payments covers the semester balance due to the George Washington University and payments are received by the 10th. Failure to do so will result in late payment fees and interest charges.

Nacha mandates that all ACH originators of web debit entries (electronic checks) must validate all bank account and routing number in real-time to confirm that they correspond to a legitimate, open account that will allow ACH (electronic check) transactions to post. If you receive an error message when attempting to submit an electronic check payment, please confirm that your bank account and routing number are correct and you are using the ACH routing number and not the wire routing number for your bank. . If you continue to receive an error message, please contact your bank to confirm that the bank account is eligible to initiate web debit entries.   

When estimating charges for the Monthly Payment Plan, do not include Work Study awards; these funds are paid directly to the student. 

Because payments must be scheduled when you enroll in the plan, the plan is not currently available for those families who want to pay via 529, wire, or any other method besides personal ACH or credit card.

The minimum payment plan principal is $500.

Adjustments to Payment Plans

Payment plan payments are initially based on the estimates you establish for tuition and fees for that semester's plan. Due to changes in funding or registration, the initial estimate may need to be adjusted, or you may need to cancel the plan. Students or authorized users who have enrolled in the GW payment plan may request an adjustment to the plan balance prior to the beginning of the semester by completing and submitting a GW Payment Plan Adjustment Form. Adjustments to ECSI payment plans must be made with ECSI directly. The form can only be submitted by the student or authorized user who enrolled in the plan; forms will not be accepted if submitted by other parties. To have the requested adjustment or cancellation take effect for your next scheduled installment, the form must be submitted no later than 3:00 PM the business day prior to the date the next installment payment is due.

See the "Automatic Plan Recalculations" section below for more information on payment plan adjustments after the start of the semester.

Automatic Plan Recalculations

After the start of the semester, the university will transition all initially estimated payment plans to plans that recalculate based on the actual student account balance. As the student’s registration is completed and/or changes subsequently, the payment plan will automatically recalculate the monthly installment amounts to equally distribute the updated account balance among the remaining scheduled payment plan installments. Payment plan installment amounts may increase or decrease depending on the account activity and subsequent recalculations. Participants will receive an automated email informing them of the new plan amount.

Participants who have scheduled their installments using a credit card via PayPath will need to manually add a new payment method to the remaining installments in their new plan once the university transitions to plans based on actual student account balances. If a payment method is not added to these remaining installments, they will fail to process, and you will be delinquent on your payment plan. You can download our tutorial on  Adding a New Payment Method to Your Payment Plan.