1098-T FAQs
- What is the 1098-T Tuition Statement?
- The 1098-T Tuition Statement is an informational form filed with the IRS that assists students and their families in calculating educational tax benefits outlined in IRS Publication 970. An explanation of each box is printed on the second page of the 1098-T Tuition Statement.
- What is included in Box 1 of the 1098-T Tuition Statement?
Box 1 of the 1098-T Tuition Statement consists of payments (student payments, scholarships, grants, stipends, loans, etc) received in the calendar year towards qualified charges for educational expenses, including tuition, course fees, registration fees, and matriculation fees. Qualified charges do not include insurance, medical expenses, room and board, late penalties, transportation, and/or personal living expenses. Box 1 is capped by the total amount of qualified charges for the year.
- What is included in Box 5 of the 1098-T Tuition Statement?
Box 5 of the 1098-T Tuition Statement consists of scholarships and grants that a student receives during the calendar year. These scholarships and grants could be called tuition awards, tuition fellowships, scholarships, grants, third party sponsorships, stipend payments, stipend fellowships, stipend scholarships, or similar such terms.
- How do I get the details for the amount in Box 5?
- Log into GWEB
- Select ‘Student Records and Registration’
- Select 'Student Accounts'
- Select 'Tax Notification,' then the applicable calendar year
- How do I get my 1098T?
- Your electronic 1098T is available in Student eBill. Your authorized user can also access the form in eBill if you provided them with that access.
- If you are a GW alumni, you can access Student eBill via the Apps dashboard.
- You can also view and download your 1098T on the ECSI portal.
- How do I use my 1098T?
- Please consult your tax professional with all questions related to this document. GW is not able to discuss tax implications or give tax advice.
- The Social Security number, name or address on my 1098T is not correct, what should I do?
- Please submit a Biographical Update form (from the Office of the Registrar website) to the Registrar's Office. Once your form has been processed, please email [email protected] if you need an updated 1098T.
- Why did you not use my preferred name on form 1098T?
- Institutions are required by the IRS to use your legal name on your 1098T.
- Are there any other resources for my 1098T?
- The below IRS links may be helpful for understanding your 1098T: